Sunday, September 9, 2007

My Saturday

September 8, 2007
Today was a very interesting day. We had a very rough start. This
morning the water just stopped working, this happens regularly
so it w
as not a big those who knew it was suppose to
happen. It was off for a couple hours before it came back on. Then
we had a major flood in the bathroom. Sigh... what a start.

After that we got going. We went and visited a section of the
orphanage that is located in an apartment on the opposite side of
town. At the tram stop we had an interesting experience. It was
pouring down rain outside and freezing so we were all bundled
up waiting for the tram to come. A couple walked up in front of us
that were obviously having an argument. The man was very angry
with his girlfriend/wife and was handling her very rough. He took
her umbrella from her and torn it apart. Then lovingly he gave her
his jacket. He was upset and offended that she would use the umbrella
instead of his jacket. It was hard to sta
nd there and watch him treat
her badly and #1 not really understand why he was treating her that
way and #2 not be able to do anything about it. In all my life I have
never been in that situation in the open public and not have someone
do something or help in some way. It was hard for me to see how this
culture is different in this way
than my own.

We then returned home soaking wet, but happy to be home and indoors.
We had a girls night and did some much needed bonding. It was really
fun, we made Romanian No-Bake cookies and watched "A Walk to
Remember". It was really fun, we stayed up pretty late so tomorrow's
church is going to be interesting.

Cu Drag!

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